本實習課程旨在統合學生進階生理學、護理理論、及進階臨床護理學(I)所學習之專業知識,進一步應用於臨床照護之情境中。實習中,學生透過以壓力因應模式,檢視所照顧之個案因應疾病後所產生之生理病理、心理社會及行為面向的反應及需求,並進一步以實證護理的概念,探討個案健康照護議題之生理病理機轉、評估重點、相關醫療處置,以提供個別性(含家屬)及實證為基礎之症狀處置(evidence-based symptom management)與護理,進而增加進階臨床護理師(APN)照護病人及家屬(Patient Care)之核心能力。
The purpose of this course is designed to integrate students’ prior professional knowledge related to Advanced Pathophysiology, Nursing Theory, and Advanced Adult Nursing, and apply in clinical practice. During the practicum time period, the students will employ the stress adaptation model to examine the responses and needs of patients from bio-psycho-social-spiritual-behavioral dimension. Furthermore, the students apply evidence-based nursing to provide the patients and their caregivers with individual and evidenced-based symptom management, enhancing the clinical competence for APN.