本課程將介紹巨量資料(Big data)概念、國內大型健康資料庫,以及運用次級資料從事研究常用之研究方法與概念,並介紹次級資料常用統計分析方法與實務應用。教師配合課堂講授,應用範本資料庫及統計軟體實際練習資料處理。學生依研究興趣,研擬研究計畫書,於期末繳交研究計畫。
The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts of Big data, Taiwan Health Data Banks, and the application of secondary data analysis for biomedical research. Methods of statistical analysis of data bank and the application on data bank analysis will also be covered. Sample data with proper programs of statistical analysis will be given as exercises and a research proposal is expected at the end of semester.